Mission : structured interviews and niche modeling studies of Rafetus swinhoei
Mission : determine the diet of Cuora by DNA metabarcoding
Mission : assessment of Indo-Burma turtles in North Vietnam
Mission : Structured interviews and niche modeling studies of Rafetus swinhoei
Mission : meetings with Turtle Sanctuary’s partners
Mission : standardize the threats assessment for tortoise and freshwater turtle
Mission : define the processes of collaboration with the different local institutions
Mission : development and construction of adapted facilities for the rescued King cobras
Mission : elaborate a capture method and finance a workshop about Rafetus swinhoei preservation
Mission : collect data about ecology and population of Geoemyda spengleri
Mission : expertise for the construction of enclosures for animals from traffic
Mission : find a place for 10 000 radiated turtles seized by the authorities
Mission : observation of Cuora galbinifrons et Cuora bourreti in their natural environment
Mission : communicate our experience in the breeding of Cuora wih the team of Pr. JIANG